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Logo for Urban War Zone Paintball in Houston, Tx
Logo for Urban War Zone Paintball in Houston, Tx
Players standing in smoke at Urban War Zone

How to get a free grenade


Smoke and paint grenades are one of the coolest ways to liven up the atmosphere and take your experience to the next level. Smoke grenades are appropriate for older players, paint grenades are fun for all ages. Smoke grenades are $19 each and paint grenades are $8-10 each.

Terms & Conditions

This offer is for a single free grenade. Valid only if all scheduled players arrive on time. Recipient must be at least 10 years old. Subject to availability. No cash value. No substitutes.

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Additional Questions? Contact us |  Driving Directions
Urban War Zone Paintball
Address: 2315 Telephone Road, Houston, Texas 77023
Phone: 281-892-1148