Paintball games at urban war zone
Elimination is, by far, the most popular paintball game in Houston because it gives each person the most amount of play time. You can also win a game even when significantly outnumbered by chipping away at the other team and playing defensively.
An elimination game starts with two teams lined up in their starting boxes. When the ref signals the beginning of the game you’ll work together with your team to tag each person on the opposing team with a paintball in the critical area.
The critical area is the torso and head. If you’re hit anywhere above the waist and in between the shoulders, you are out of the game and will exit the playing field and come back on the next round. If you’re tagged on the legs, arms or shoulders, you’re still in the game. Equipment hits do not count against you.
Capture the flag
Capture the flag is the oldest and most time honored paintball game. People love capture the flag because it’s goal oriented and works well in a team building environment. The games can be fast and aggressive or completely defensive. Capture the flag is a more difficult to win if your team gets outnumbered, so don’t play recklessly – you’ll need your teammates to cover you when it’s time to make a break for the flag!
The game starts with both teams lined up in their starting boxes. When the ref signals the beginning of the game you’ll work together with your team to either lower the flag from the pole and return it to your own base or grab the flag and push it forward to the other team’s home base.
When the flag touches either starting block, the ref will end the game and the team with the flag wins. Capture the flag is a critical hit game.
Freeze Tag
Freeze tag is an elimination based game mode where teams try to "freeze" all opposing team players. Players are “frozen” when hit by a paintball in any location. After a player is frozen they will move to the nearest safe cover and put their hand up to signal that they are frozen.
You can unfreeze your teammates by hand tagging any frozen player. Unfreezing your teammates increases your chance of winning the game. The game ends when all players on the losing team are frozen. If the game lasts longer than 5 minutes, a referee may call a 2 minute time limit to the game which will force players to move more quickly to freeze the enemy team and rescue your own teammates. The team with the most players still unfrozen at the end of this time limit is the winning team.
Freeze tag is not a critical hit game. If a player is hit by a paintball in any location, they are out unless brought back by their teammates.
King of the Hill
King of the hill is a fan favorite at Urban War Zone. Each team is assigned a color and set of matching color cones. The object of the game is to get as many of your team's color cones into the designated scoring zone and stop the other team from scoring their points. The team with the most color cones in their zone at the end of the games is the winner.
Once the referee signals the beginning of the game, both teams rush to put at least one of their cones in the designated hill or “zone”. Once a team has more of it's colors inside a zone, they may choose to defend the other team's zone to prevent them from scoring.
At the end of the 5 minute game the referee will count the number of cones in the scoring zones. The team with the most points will be declared the winner. King of the Hill is an anywhere hit paintball game.