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Logo for Urban War Zone Paintball in Houston, Tx
Logo for Urban War Zone Paintball in Houston, Tx

Select a reservation type

Looks like you've reached this page in error. Visit the pricing page first, then select a package before trying to make a reservation. Reservations are simple and easy and can be made in about 5 minutes time.

Common Questions About Reservations

Should I make a reservation?

The short answer is yes, you should make a reservation. If you make a confirmed reservation and pay for your event today, your equipment and event are fully reserved and guaranteed. If you prefer to pay on the day of the event or want each player to pay seperately, we still strongly recommend that you make an unconfirmed reservation. An unconfirmed reservation doesn’t fully guarantee your spot, but you’ll already be on the wait list if we are booked out. Please read or FAQ page for more information on

Should I pre-pay or reserve unconfirmed?

Pre-paid reservations eliminate the disappointment of arriving only to find out we are fully booked. Unconfirmed reservations essentially jump you in front of everyone who walks in, which is a lot of people to be in front of. With either reservation your equipment should be ready and waiting for you when you arrive. All you’ll need to do is sign in, go through a brief safety orientation, and you’ll be on the field lighting up the competition!

Same day reservations

While the online booking system is not available for a same-day event, we often have space available for walk-ins. Simply call ahead to make sure we have openings available for you and your friends. Call 281.892.1148 and press option 2 for a representative.

What if I have my own gear

The short answer is no, reservations are only for renters. With that being said, it’s no fun playing paintball alone. Bring a friend, reserve his or her rental equipment, and you’ll still get the free paintball grenade! Remember, reservations eliminate the disappointment of arriving only to find out that the rental equipment is already rented out to others.

Additional Questions? Contact us |  Driving Directions
Urban War Zone Paintball
Address: 2315 Telephone Road, Houston, Texas 77023
Phone: 281-892-1148