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Logo for Urban War Zone Paintball in Houston, Tx
Logo for Urban War Zone Paintball in Houston, Tx

Ramp up your game

We have a variety of options to give you the upper hand on the field. A faster marker is the first step. The Planet Eclipse EMEK gives you the speed of an electronic marker with the reliability of a mechanical.

Planet Eclipse Emek

Planet Eclipse makes some of the best paintball markers in existence. Guests can upgrade to a electronically force fed marker that shoots 10 balls per second!

Complete Upgrade: $15.00
Buy Used: $199.00
Planet Eclipse Emek

Electronic Hopper

All upgrades include the Dye Rotor, a hopper capable of force feeding your marker with all the ammo you can handle.

Complete Upgrade: Included
Hopper Only: $10.00
Buy Used: $99.00
Smoke grenade
Paintball marker

Compressed Air Tank

Planet Eclipse makes some of the best paintball markers in existence. Guests can upgrade to a electronically force fed marker that shoots 10 balls per second!

Complete Upgrade: Included
Buy Used: $39.95
Buy New: $69.95
Additional Questions? Contact us |  Driving Directions
Urban War Zone Paintball
Address: 2315 Telephone Road, Houston, Texas 77023
Phone: 281-892-1148