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Select Gift Certificate Amount | UWZ Paintball
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Give a Gift Certificate

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A $50 dollar gift certificate is the perfect gift for a single player. This is more than enough to cover entry to the park, ammo, protective gear, compressed air refills, and a snack. That’s everything they need for the perfect day of paintball at UWZ.

Couple of Friends

A $100 dollar gift certificate is great for a single player plus a friend. This gift will cover entry to the park, ammo, protective gear, compressed air refills, and a snack for two players. What’s better than a day of paintball? Playing paintball with a friend!

Small Party

A $250 dollar gift certificate is nice for a small group of players. This gift certificate will be enough for a small group of players to play paintball for a day. Entry, ammo, protective gear, and marker are included. Paintball is always better with a group!

Additional Questions? Contact us |  Driving Directions
Urban War Zone Paintball
Address: 2315 Telephone Road, Houston, Texas 77023
Phone: 281-892-1148